a flippant ciao



twenty-six poems

in response to lines from

Paul Eluard's Capital of Pain (1926)



by John Mingay








without age

bathing in currency


this late light


halo of time

bare and bright




a heart so pale



in on ourselves

we perpetuate ourselves

see through

broken things


growing pale

stars of straw

one within the other

no small stones


pulling the wool

as only she can see










Et, les rideaux baissés, parlons.


let’s not talk

of the things

we never look

like mentioning




those secret things

that can only ever

be spoken of

behind curtains




closed against the night


as if every word

that would come

to mind

to be said

will have been borne


through the air


upon languid streams

we can barely imagine


in the shadows


there where we hear

of words we’re told

neither of us

can afford to forget


each of them





a part

of some sacred sentence

strung together in hushed voices



let’s not talk


not when it’s all

over nothing more

than shifting whim


let’s not play

the game as required


to rules

that are set

beyond our grasp


without our knowing


to have us drag

convention along

like shackles of time

around our ankles






to have

us keep

to the path




never to stray

into the unmentionable


the taboo


those things

that can only ever

be spoken of

behind curtains




closed against the night


those things

we never look

like mentioning




as though

no longer germane


as though

no longer night but day




without age


Nous en avions assez

D’habiter dans les ruines du sommeil.


tired of living a life

seen through eyes

crusted with sleep


narrowed by dreams

never quite fully






right up

to this point


of having had



but still going at it


still keeping on


though more

out of spinelessness

than wild abandon


or pluck


alive only as a name of man

and nothing much more




what does

any of it matter

any more

than any one speck of dust




but tired

all the same


of living in the ruins of sleep


of having had enough




bathing in currency


Nous admirons l’ordre des choses,

l’ordre des pierres, l’ordre des clartés,

l’ordre des heures.








at least

some of

the things

you could sleep with

if the waves would speak less


if at all


if not to allow the chaos

of darkness woken

to snub method

for madness


if not to ignore order

as though no longer of use


out of fashion


left to sink

to fathoms far below


down where pebbles

perpetually pass the hours





the brightness




their murk below

but a boneyard

for the cadavers of creeds

lost to what passes

for all the rage


if only the waves

would choose to speak less






Et l’asile de ses yeux

a des portes sans nuages.


well hidden from our seeing


there behind

blue sky doors


a curious whatness


a quiddity

only to be guessed at


simply to be supposed


and us

holding our breaths

as if hungry

to even hear it happen to be


that essence


that whatever it is

we draw our hope from

without knowing

what it is we hope for


as if we were free


our simple flesh





coming together

in a crimson spume


the unseen lost to this lust




this late light


Dans un nuit profonde

et large de mon age




as this late light

begins to wither


it becomes

an ashen echo

of everything once possible


all without favour or fear




but then




with deep wide night nearing


it will steal

the edges of dreams


and mark

the boundaries of years


numbering them


until when


again without warning


but with the wilting

and withering done


it will turn

the day to longest night





being spent


dulled and drained of life






Les hommes qui se coucheront

ne seront plus désormais

que les pères de l’oubli.


in our final silent resting

there is such sorrowfully

scant misted remembering


as though

in this shadowing light

so little can remain

to be recalled

of what we have done


what we have

been seen said and thought


nor of where we have gone


who we have loved


and how we have left marks

to attest to us ever having been


even if only briefly so




we leave

our veiled youth behind


sneering at our failure

to bring to mind

even a fraction of the bric-a-brac

the years have hoarded

in our hurting heads


like so many mementos left

in the dankest attic’s murk


in its own shadowing light


as if twinned with ours


yet still not enough for us

to avoid the unavoidable onrush

of our blindness to every relic there


as an anopsia in the brume of time




halo of time


je ne sais plus tout ce que j’ai vécu


what you have lived

is so nearly over and done


though not a hint of it

can be easily summoned up


you no longer know nor care

how the scraps join to be one


how each piece of having lived

plays the part of being ignored


as I was habitually by you

your eyes dulled by greed


deadened beyond the point

of seeing anything of solution


hopelessly drawn to your own

layers of fictions and fabrications


piled and heaped and stacked

into a complication of untruths


though really

what of it if this is how it is


what of it if

by evoking nothing time can live on


with you shielded from censure

in a merciful haze of forgetting


guiltless in those same dulled eyes

that are simply waiting now to close




bare and bright


Au soir de la folie, nu et clair,

L’espace entre les choses

a la forme de mes paroles


in an honest madness


so naked


so pure



so easily

lose their sense

to the silences between


slowly clouding over


being secretly wrought

into just a passing whim


just a thought


then gone


nothing of them left

to even echo in the quietness


as it swells




as it pervades those places

where we gave each other

our words made of love


so naked


so pure


in an honest madness








Les muets sont des menteurs…


no comments

no reactions

no emotions



or is it unwilling

to even like what you see


you remain silent

deep in the shadows


imitating some

meddlesome mole


scavenging ideas

for a dreamt of dream life

that will never quite be yours


stealing opinions

for the most peculiar jigsaw

of mismatched pieces


each forced to fit


though without a sound made

that might senselessly

give the game away


blow your cover


make of you

a mole no more



for now

you persist


determined to be without being


as if invisible


no words

no gestures

no passions


just dead in your haunting deceit






Ce n’est pas la nuit qui te manque,

mais sa puissance.


whatever it was of the night

you now miss as if a kiss

so soft from a dead lover’s lips


there was more


barely concealed

beneath the tenebrous surface

as something vaguely of strength


a mystery of might


but maybe not on any horizon

dizzily seen from here

drowned in your dreamlike lust


maybe not made manifest


appearing only

in an unheard sigh of despair

fit to rattle windows in their frames


no matter how vague the strength


yet you I know would settle

for the night as if that kiss

from so soft a dead lover’s lips


despite all the more there was


you would follow

rather than take to the front

or have even the faintest thought


for you I know to be lost in love






Ma mémoire

Est encore obscurcie

de t’avoir vu venir

Et partir.


of what

I can remember

of what was

there are only

shades of shadow



in the darkness

dimly perceived

as an endless

coming and going



in perpetual motion

in that heavy silence

of the emptiness

you made for yourself


but of what

I can remember

of what was

there are still words

shaded in the shadows



on the walls

in a multitude

of forgotten tongues

long disfigured by time



that only ever

remain as simple truths

forever unquestionable

as if always having been




a heart so pale


Comment prendre plaisir à tout?

Plutôt tout effacer.


to define it


to list its symptoms


nothing equals the numbness

of being powerless to feel pleasure


every satisfaction

neither recognised nor known


and yet this but one

of the many

missing links

in a lifelong

literacy in shards


broken chains of words

resembling assembly instructions

to a flat pack life


badly translated


but reassuringly compliant


so yes

better that than

to sweep it all away

in a facile gesture

of violent desertion


rather to walk

with a heart so pale

than to lie where the lilies grow


where you sleep the longest sleep


the hidden night wiped away

without even a whimper of doubt


so yes

better to remain


rather a lack than none at all






je vous apercevrai toujours, folie.


always seemingly there

to be seen

as tricks of the mind


your madness without end


its delusions illusions allusions

forever dissolving

to be one and the same


a muddled cobbling


a tottering tattered reality

trying to be heard

above the calls to comply


every eccentricity scorned


every inch of your being

rubbed in the dirt

as if a snout into its own turd


but a reality nonetheless


your madness your reality

seen in certainties

the way you came to see them


the way they really are


as exhausted memories

of when the blood of stars

filled your veins to bursting


of when you yourself were lost






La clarté existe sans moi.


reflecting little

of the sunshine

that for so long was so plentiful


if only for covering the cracks


this lustrous rock

has become leaden sand


ponderously blown

by an asthmatic wind


slowly scattered



into only a shadow of before


its once upon a time


yet still


even without it

there remains luminance




in rocks

younger than this


rocks still able to do

what it is rocks as rocks do


to do what sand no longer can


is no longer able to do


unable no matter

how willing the mind

may even so

so blindedly be


but both understanding

this progression of generation

to be all that keeps

the sun in the sky




in on ourselves


J'ai refermé les yeux sur moi...


and seen nothing


not even a trace

of where we last touched


of where our skins

and spirits had met


just nothing


nothing seen


as if to avoid it

having to be described


dodging with intent

we might have called it




but not now


not alone


looking in

on my smiling darkness


benign in its being


through and through


as though to offset

the letdown of seeing nothing


to counter that discontent


that hunger to be able

to put it all into haloed words


imperfect in having no nub


no gist


no meaning beyond

what we know of being apart




we perpetuate ourselves


Notre ombre n'éteint pas le feu

Nous nous perpétuons


by feeding the fire

to stubbornly stave off

the arrival of certain night


as though on borrowed time


in a


a minute





making sure

what lies beneath

is rarely bared


seldom exposed


by this we have come to know

what it is to be invisible

even in our very own shadows


we have come to know

why we are and so

also who we have become


and we have come to know

perhaps only too well

why the fire must survive


must be perpetual


why its flames

must continue licking

sensuously at the darkening sky


repelling the night


denying any deception


simply surviving time




see through


L'enfant sait que le monde

commence à peine:

Tout est transparent...


to young eyes

everything is there to be seen


nothing is hidden


all is as evident as day itself


to be effortlessly taken in

without need of questions




convincing in its clarity


a world those eyes know

to have really only just begun


as yet untainted


as yet the purest of vision


those eyes

once our eyes


though so it goes


from one to the next


to the next


always watching

everything there is to be seen




broken things


Elle rit pour cacher

sa terreur d'elle-même.


in denial

is where you are


hiding behind a smile


refusing to believe

to even think of these


our desperate times


for fear of seeing yourself




staring out from an insanity

in which no prisoners are taken


from where no one gets out alive


staring back from the mirror

as a reflection of time's refugee


escaping it all to seek peace




in denial






Et tout ce que tu dis

bouge derrière toi.


as with everything else

your every word fades


forever lost in the past


a mere record of having been


like so many snaps

of standing grimacing

before the attractions of once


upon a time


of having been


of having become scared

of leaving nothing behind


of being unremarkable


that is

of course

except to me


able to read the sands of time


their drifts

and currents


their direct paths

and meanderings


and me


able to read you


wordless page

after wordless page


formless image

after formless image


every remarkable memory

of the who what why where when

you had been

seen in your ambitions


your dreams


who you were

in wanting only

what youth has ever wanted


to be given hope


and in knowing

there was nothing new in that


in any of it


formless image

after formless image


wordless page

after wordless page


though ever the more readable


as ever the more

there is remarkable

to be read of you


in time


in that

who what why where when

you now live in


beyond the pale


as free as to allow you to soar




growing pale


Toute brillante d'amour,

tu fascinais l'univers ignorant.



all there was


in shining


in showing

what love can be


you forgot

you were throwing

pearls before swine


ignorance swilling

as blood in their veins


you forgot that

of what you gave

nothing would be of wonder


nothing would last

of what you had shown


of what love can be


and you forgot

the meaning of nothing

is always undeniably nothing


there is never wasted time




stars of straw


Comme le jour

depend de l'innocence

Le monde entier

depend de tes yeux purs.


in just a look

your cloudless eyes

make the blood of each day

seethe within its veins


helplessly so


dependently so


every minute

passing and shattering

to make room for the next

in a ceaseless parade

of what you have made

perfectly pure


so pure


so impressive a procession

of possibilities

of what our days can hold




in our world within the world


a world

where you see

more than most


a world throbbing in your hand



day's blood

invigorated and coursing


round and round


and round




one within the other


Je t'aime pour ta sagesse

qui n'est pas le mienne...

Pour ce coeur immortel

qui je ne détiens pas.


from being on the brink

twice for good measure


there's no immortality here


only the bluntest of reminders

of the subtractions from a stretch

already barely worth inhabiting


its pulse hunger zeal

all unmistakably growing faint




to be gone too soon


too green

to be so full of that stolen wisdom

you were once tirelessly loved for

by the many more than me


taken from you

as though

there would be answers

to quell the rasping whys


and what fors


and all the time knowing

where you are heading


the same as ever for everyone


an inescapable path

that slows

to become impassable


sooner or later


always claiming the last laugh




no small stones


Sur la plage

la mer a laissé ses oreilles...


with sand between our toes


we have simply surrendered

what was ever to be heard


thrown it away

without thinking it through


no wisdoms nor follies

surviving the thunder of the tide


leaving neither of us knowing


sightless in a world of horizons


uncertain as to which direction

to take to turn the sun back on


o what fools we can be


what clowns

we have become through all this


the joking


the laughter


the japes for unseeing eyes

in the silence spiraling around us


sand between our toes






Il fait un triste temps,

il fait une nuit noire

A ne pas mettre un aveugle dehors.


a gauze drops

over half my half world




so night becomes darker still


but mercifully

you only want to put me

half way out

into that ever saddening weather


if out at all


as if pausing to question

your moral sensibilities

is somehow now needed most


as though watching me moulder

could never be just quite enough


for you


while for me

there is less to be seen

as anything more

than how I remember it when




when nothing hid in a half haze


nothing coughed and spluttered

and died on the job




when it was you

who was needed most


sensibilities thrown to the winds


your eyes

only for me


eyes that today

are loath to watch a blindman

out in that disconsolate downpour


half my half world hazy




uncertain without clarity

and clearly uncertain of the night


being always darker still


but still carrying

the sounds of smiles and sighs

from the mouths of many mutes


each knitted into the darkness


darker still


as if even to withdraw

to the point of not being here


of being invisible


of having slung my hook


despite having never asked

for anything

and yet having felt

everything there is to be felt


as though even to withdraw

to where

there is comfort in the air


to where

in closing my eyes

the gauze momentarily lifts

and the clouds are left to pass


to be replaced


gulls flying sky dances above




pulling the wool


L'ennui, sur son épaule,

s'est endormi.


even the tedium

overwhelms itself

in waiting for an outcome


it dozes


and nothing changes


what is stable is static

just as what is severe is strong


but only delusively so


demandingly simplistic

in the minds of motley fools

dressed as self styled divinities


because nothing changes


that outcome never comes

no matter how long the wait


no matter

how consuming

you find the ennui

napping on your shoulder to be


laughing madly in its sleep


as though knowing you know

it can only be itself with you


as though to trap


then lay the rap

squarely solidly on my stoop


motley fools allergic to blame


shying from guilt for their game

that preserves it all unchanged




stable and strong and wrong




as only she can see


Autour de la bouche

Son rire est toujours différent...


she laughs otherwise

from those suddenly unsure


more like someone certain

I am only as far

as wandering the hills alone


someone sure

nothing is ever forever


sensing it safe

to pretend I am here

in my absence of breath




my shadow

still marked out

on the dusty ground


arranged as if for her

to laugh over with conviction


differently from those

suddenly bound up

in their grasping insecurities


their laughter disarmed

by its even being heard






© John Mingay 2017

a facqueuesol paperless book